We are part of a network

that baptizes people in German-speaking countries by immersion "based on their confession of faith in Jesus Christ."


Baptism by faith is derived from God's Word, the Bible.   

For Example:


Mk. 16:15  And HE, Jesus said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the good news, of Christ, to all creation.

Mk. 16:16  He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned."

To the Baptist Network

For Bremen

Depending on the weather, we will look for a suitable place together:

  • A lake or one of the city beaches.
  • Maybe even in a swimming pool.

More Infos.

The network offers people who have come to Jesus, for example via the Internet, a community-independent baptism near their place of residence.

The Principles

The Baptists baptize:

  • by immersion
  • without obligation to join a church.
  • Only people who have consciously decided for JESUS ​​CHRIST.

We are also happy to help in the search for fellowship with other Christians.

Some impressions

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