About Us

J O Y - in the LORD

conveys Biblical truth with joy.

We stand for the fact that the "GOOD NEWS" of JESUS CHRIST can be passed on in joy and truth.

Our goal is to help enable every interested follower of Christ to pass on "The "GOOD NEWS" of JESUS ​​CHRIST" in a simple form and with a loving heart, joy and simplicity.

  • in family, with friends,
  • in the neighborhood, at work,
  • while shopping or wherever possible.


Followers of JESUS CHRIST are on a journey, on The Way.

They learn from God's wisdom and knowledge through God's Word, the Bible. They travel together to encourage, support, empower and do more. They are in community because they complement each other and accept each other in love for Jesus.

John's Gospel Ch. 17


Joy in Jesus is a decision that must and should be renewed at any time.

Joy, as described in the Bible, overcomes circumstances that can harm a person.

"But in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him (Christ) who loved us."

Letter to the Romans Chapter 8, Verse 37


JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God, came into our world as a child. He lived a life of purity and truth. Nevertheless, HE was condemned and died on the cross for your and my (sin) separation from God. He was buried!

But on the third day,

HE rose from the dead through the power of God. Because HE, Jesus, lives, you can live too if you accept His gift of forgiveness for you.

John Evangelium Chap. 1 Verse 12

Our vision

We have the best message in the world:

JESUS CHRIST is alive and HE wants to meet you today because HE loves you unconditionally and wants to live in a great relationship with you. He has prepared everything for this encounter with you on the cross.

"It is finished" were His last words. John 19:30

Unfortunately, this truth is not known to many people. We have partnered with other followers of Jesus Christ to be able to:

  • carry God's "GOOD NEWS" once again to more people in the north of Germany.
  • help People to return to their Creator God again in hope.
  • speak Healing and restoration into the souls of so many troubled people.

It is time for people, in times like these, to regain HOPE for their "NOW" and beyond physical death.

God has prepared so much more GOOD for us humans.

In 2024, God surprised us with a special vision for Bremen and the surrounding area:

What we believe

We believe

  • that God's Word, the Bible, conveys truth because it is inspired by God himself.
  • that JESUS CHRIST, as the SON of GOD, became man.
  • that JESUS is The Way, The Truth, The Life.
  • that God, in Jesus Christ through His death on the cross, has cleared the way back to God "YahWe".
  • that man needs a Redeemer / Saviour who has revealed himself in Jesus Christ.
  • that diseases, dependencies, addictions, loneliness and many other destructive things do not come from God, but are part of the fallen creation.
  • that in Jesus Christ, people can be free from things that are not good for them in life.
  • that all answers to personal life can be found in JESUS CHRIST.
  • that in JESUS CHRIST freedom for true life in abundance can be found.

March for Jesus 2024

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